Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ballz 3D

Why do I do these things to myself? Rex Ronan provides a more complete experience than this game.

Imagine you're a child with parents who know you like video games and encourage this hobby. Like many young children and children at heart you might ask for video games for Christmas. Also like most children you would ask for a specific game. Maybe your parents couldn't find the game you wanted, or it was somehow sold out in this busy Christmas season. Like any well-meaning parent, yours decide to grab a game that's either similar to or at least LOOKS similar to the one you asked for. Maybe you asked for Street Fighter II, or Killer Instinct, or hell even Secret of Evermore.

You tell em, Jester.

A nice, round collection of stereotypes/"classic options" for your fighter. Caveman, clown, fast black guy, a gorilla, and a woman. The game plays about how you would expect with only 2 attack buttons and a jump. Punch, kick, jump. Here you can see me reaching out to touch the gorilla's butt.

Unfortunately the gorilla wasn't pleased with this event and proceeded to violently rip my balls apart.

The creators of this wonderful game are responsible for a game I actually enjoyed when I was younger. PF Magic created the Dogz and Catz "Interactive Simulators" for PCs back in the mid 90's or so. It's a pretty good precursor to Nintendogs from what I recall. You've got a puppy of your choice that you can pet and brush with the mouse, or bathe, or feed, whatever else.

How could you bring such a travesty on the world, PF Magic?